Thursday, April 21, 2011

ZEN Quiz

Semalam, sye dpt email dr one of my classmates, Kavi....she send the quiz so called ZEN Quiz through my yahoo mail.

so, sebagai kwn y baik & selalu memenuhi impian kwn2, sye pon cube la quiz ni...dye tnye mcm2....4 example, kalo korunk tgk coffee 1 words that appears in your mind ape?...then jwpn sye is good...mcm2 la soklan nye...lucu gak mse menjwb...huhuhu

after jwb smue soklan dye dlm 5 minit cmtu la, result dye pon kuar....
These are your priorities in your life:
       (1) Pride
       (2) Family
       (3) Love
       (4) Career
       (5) Money

Your own personality = Fierce
Your partner personality = Soft <gile xxx????>
Your enemy personality = Dirty
Love = Good
Your own life = Nature

bkn la nk percaye sgt ngan bende ni...but kalo nk tgk y priorities tuh mcm btol je...hikhikhik

mmg x dpt dinafikan, sye ni org nmpak sgt garang, menakutkan, & sewaktu dgnnye...but itu hanye lah pandangan org y TIDAK mengenali siapa sebenarnye cik nabilah nie...well, smpai skrg, kalo sye ckp  y sye ni single & available pon diorg x kn caye...hehehe...ape2 la wey...

but for now, my focus is to study & get the scroll...after that onwards, it's all depend on the situation & restu my parent...whether i'm going to further my study or start working...hehehhe...

ape2 pon y bakal terjadi akan dtg, I'm just haping that everything will goes smoothly...May Allah bless us all together...amin...

no more idea, better stope herE...


lagi 4 hari nk exam woo~~


  1. tenQ ojah!!

    btw, sye sdey nie...paper 1st sye mcm tahi~~
    baik sye dok blek je tido...

    btambah sdey adik sendir wat hal...mengediks!!!!menyampah nie!!!

    ojah pekse bile?mlm nie sye ade class...kalo ojah pekse lmbt g, sye nk berkongsi cite ngan ojah...sdey ngan perangai adik sye y ntah ape2
